CGV: Designed to Improve Movie Experience for Groups

Product Design

kr 10-2020-0116624

kr 30-1112895
kr 30-1106098

Product Design, User Research, Concept Ideation

*Research details are available upon request
For this project, I led a design team to improve the group movie experience while working directly with the cinematic company CGV. I constructed research methods, ideated, visualized, and contributed to/oversaw product design, communication design, video editing, and art direction for the entire project. Our research included field trips, interviews, focus groups, and prototype testing with 23 participants. 

About the Company

CGV Cinemas, part of South Korea's CJ Group, is the largest multiplex cinema chain in South Korea, with branches in China, Indonesia, Myanmar, Turkey, Vietnam, and the United States. Known for its advanced technology, CGV offers top-notch projection, sound quality, and immersive settings to its audiences.


Create a cinema app that makes scheduling movies with friends easier, encourages group choices, and maximize user engagement both before and after the cinema experience.

Key Idea

A new cinema service that improves movie experiences for groups. It allows users to select a movie effectively and have lasting memories even after the movie ends. It works as such: the creator of the group is the “Host” and the people that he or she adds are the “Guests”.

01. Select a Movie Effectively in a Group 

Host selects 5 movies that the host wants to watch, and even chooses specific times. After that, guests can respond with a very simple interaction – Swiping.

02. Have Lasting Memories Even After the Movie Ends in a Private Group Review

After watching the movie, the group can share their feedback right after the movie via app.

Problem Space

For Users

01. Struggle to choose a movie as a group

This is usually due to multiple reasons, such as scheduling conflicts, different interests in genre, and people who have already watched a certain movie.

For Business

02. Cinema App's After-Movie Engagement Challenge

After the movie ends, user engagement decreases, creating a challenge for cinema apps. CGV aims to boost post-movie engagement, meeting user needs for a platform that enhances their experience beyond the theater, fostering lasting connections via the app.


Previous CGV’s customer journey

CGV observed a significant 56% customer drop out rate on the movie timetable screen. Upon closer examination, it became evident that the conversion rate is linked to the number of tickets purchased by a single customer

Conversion Rate

For one ticket

For more than three tickets

These conversion rates have led us to prioritize the enhancement of the group movie experience.

User Interview

13 participants

we inquired about users' experiences with movie apps after finishing a film, as well as their desired features for such apps



Users usually don't use cinema apps after a movie because they don't find a compelling reason to do so.


Movie fans want a way to keep a record of the movies.


Users enjoy discussing movies with friends after watching them and recalling the movie experience, but they feel like there is currently no dedicated platform to save or share these movie memories.

Prototype Testing with Users

Users can make their movie decisions with the simple interaction of, ‘swiping cards’. The interaction of making decisions with swiping was inspired by the dating app ‘Tinder’.

Users want to see all the options on one screen rather than one option per screen

Information Architecture

Final Design

01. Select a Movie Effectively in a Group


The Host creates a group and selects a cinema that the group wants to go.


After the group is created, the Host selects 5 movies that the host wants to watch, and even chooses specific times. The list would be sent out as a link to the group.


Guests can respond with a very simple interaction – swiping. When looking at the film options, they can also see the information about the film such as the cast members, descriptions, and the trailer.



It finds the best option for the entire group and presents it so that the group can collectively agree on a film together.


02. Have Lasting Memories Even After the Movie Ends in a Private Group Review


Users can choose to either speak or type comments in a private group, making it easy and efficient to remember and express their thoughts.


01.  Simplified Movie Selection

It eliminates group indecision, making choosing movies with friends quick and stress-free, and ensuring everyone's preferences count and enhancing the cinema experience's start.

02. Extended Movie Experience

By preserving the impact of the movie, users can relive and cherish memorable moments, promoting lasting connections with the content.

03. Enhanced User Engagement on the App 

This fosters deeper engagement, not only simplifies group movie selection, but also boosts post-movie interactions.